View the Symposium

We are so grateful to everyone who participated in our forum. The discussions centered on design for early learning environments, and the impact these spaces have on children, educators, families and communities.

Sessions from September 13, 15 & 18, 2021 are posted to Vimeo - use the link to view.

Our goals:

  • The Symposium

    Cultivate relationships between design professionals and early childhood education professionals with an eye toward finding the parallels between design thinking and pedagogy.

    Promote design as a way to foster increased inclusion and resilience in early learning facilities.

  • The Partnership Program

    Sponsor consultations between designers and practitioners to explore how design can have the strongest impact on children’s and teachers’ daily experience.

    Build on the themes and insights from the Symposium to create a common language for dialogue among attendees.


  • Definitions

    A common vocabulary is a great foundation for good communication. We’ve assembled some terms, ideas, abbreviations and concepts from both architecture and early learning. We each learned something new while putting this together! Let us know what’s missing!

  • The Partnership Program

    Six teams have come together to review an existing early learning project, discussing feasibility, program, building materials, site selection, and other important project parameters. See our brief description of the Pilot Partnership Program here:

A forum for leading-edge thinking

around the design of spaces

where kids spend their earliest years